Hmm.... After actually getting nandos and a bottle of cheap tacky cava last night as a peace offering to the unreasonable and insane sister, I couldn’t help but find the following two adverts which appeared in my inbox this morning….well….hilarious. ....
Of course the phrasing of the Amore advert has put me off eating the leftovers tonight – somehow the prospect of knowing where their …ahem….chickens have been doesn’t really appeal to me. Also the UK version of the popular proudly south african fast food franchise is a bit of a disappointment really – I am not sure I can justify spending 400ZAR on a chicken – (a dried up cardboard one to boot!) and don’t even get me started on the livers – (shivers)
Anyhoo – I am feeling a little relaxed today as the Hitler wannabe disciplinarian with no soul (aka my boss) is away for the rest of the week – and while I can feel his presence all over me like a bad case of razor burn – knowing he is here in spirit only is a lot more bearable for my weak constitution. I am also looking forward to a weekend of peace and quiet. The sister is away skiing on a work trip – so I have the flat to myself
(Brief History : I moved to London in 2007 mainly to get away from a very unhealthy relationship and kind of figure out things – the relationship wasn’t actually a romantic relationship – but rather a friendship with relations if you catch my drift (was also my first gay experience) – Anyhoo I also wanted to get away from my family and this is gonna sound corny – but I will say it anyway - I wanted to find myself. When I arrived I knew not a soul – but since then I have built up a really good life for myself. I did things I never dreamed possible – and became a lot more honest with people – coming out one by one to the people important to me. By no means am I over with this journey of stepping out of the closet and into the sunlight – but I am making progress – with the overwhelming one of telling my folks fast approaching. Unfortunately though – one by one – people from my past have sort of followed me to London which has made it difficult for me to balance my new self and my old self – but essentially I have been able to at least distinguish who is important to me and needs to know who I authentically am – and who is just really there for a good time. So I have grown a lot and don’t want to lose this newfound independence. My sister is the latest person to stalk me though – and she arrived in Jan this year and is now living with me. After many dramatic fights, things are now civil – and I hope to keep them that way until my departure!)
Sorry – that wasn’t much of a brief history – but I try :)
Back to this weekend though – I am looking forward to chilling with a big cup of tea, seasons 1-4 of greys anatomy (again) and maybe, just maybe a cake – all by myself (God I am such an old granny) – London really leaves you longing for any kind of personal space! I also plan on watching reruns of American Idol which I have pvr’d and sleeping till noon. I am so freaking excited! Hopefully I will get a chance to see the ex flatmate as well. Finally I will be putting some finishing touches on my plan – the big plan – of what to do with my life. One thing living here has taught me is that I am not motivated by this career that I am in. I am however motivated by an exceptional quality of life. While the search for a lifetime partner is always on my mind I have decided to not focus on it and rather focus on me. I want to come back home – swim everyday – get at least 3 hours of sitting in the sun – scratch my dogs bellies – lie in my hammock and read a new book everyday – and just generally increase serotonin levels! But then again everyone wants that – but I do feel I can do this without selling my soul like I currently do for a pittance of a salary and absolutely no quality of life.
Anyhoo – I seem to have started one way today and ended another! Apologies for the spastic thoughts – I just write them as they enter my cluttered cupboard of a mind, and I know that I am trying to convince myself every day that this is right!
Happy April people! 13 days to go before I officially hit my quarter life crisis. God – somebody please tell me it gets easier! Gotta get back to work sadly – I only rocked up at 10am – and have yet to do a single thing!
Much love and Later Dayz,
Cm :)
I love those Nandos ads! So you are coming 'home' when? Where is home for you in SA? And as far as coming out goes - your folks probably know anyway? Dont you think?
Hey - Well me has been thinking about handing inmy resignation in at the start of May - so will have to work for a month - then may want to see a bit of summer here - so thinking about being home by mid June - end July (its still my all time dream to go to Greece!)
Home is a combo of Durbs and Joburg - but really looking to start something new in Cape Town....
I think on some level they do - but I unfortunately have to let them know for sure
Well I am in Cape Town so you start out with at least 1 friend. :-)
snaps! yay!
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