Yesterday however, I had the smug knocked out of me, when the Lady Married One called to inform me that I booked tickets for the 'Ladies Night' show. Aghast that such sexist social constructs are now being enforced on something as democratic as what show you want to see when, I logged on to the website. There in the tiniest print imaginable - my worst fears were confirmed. Always having considered myself one of the ladies, (despite my penchant for kickboxing and not shaving), I was sad - the 'NO MEN ALLOWED' maxim was too much to bear. My movie plans were ruined. I still cant understand how its acceptable to allow only female patrons into a dark room where they are not going to even notice who is sitting next to them.
Not wanting to see any other movie, I have made the executive decision to go in drag. Trying not to be too OTT, I figure that this subtle disguise will ensure my entrance!!!

I think its fine, but it needs a little something more...
I am very open to Suggestions!
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