So I finally got my ass to the movies and saw the latest hollywood hit movie, Avatar. Not having any preconceived ideas about the show (other than hearing that it was a mash up of Pocahontas and the Smurfs - see image) I was surprisingly BLOWN AWAY by how freaking good it was. Now I know I am not the most reliable source when it comes to free thinking - I genereally am always on board the 'conformist sheep train' (as you can tell from my deep and meaningful involvement with Edward Cullen) but I must say that this movie was really worth the overpriced '3d' ticket.

Firstly - the storyline was great. I dont care if it was similar to Captain John Smith seducing the local looker - it was good. The 3d graphics were just so surreal. And dont even get me started on the rock hard abs those tribes people had. An hour into the movie I started to notice my attraction to the sexy blue warrior. Much better eye candy than James Camerons previous 3 hour epic Titanic.
However I must admit that the most gratifying part of the night was the popcorn. Having plastered my kernels with the same amount of salt that can be found in the mediterreanean sea, I found myself needing my flashlight and compass to navigate my way out of the white mist that began to form around the salting and straw table. Five handfulls in and my palette was caked with a mixture of butter-salt, fruit chutney, sour cream and chives, salt and vinegar and BBQ...
I still havent regained full use of my oral functions.....
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I am going to see Avatar on Saturday. I am not sure if I am going to enjoy it or not....not a fan of Mr Cameron's
you will love it - I had no plans to ever see it and i was pleasantly surprised....
just steer clear of the popcorn!
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