Thursday, 28 January 2010

Love Lockdown

A very controversial topic. I was asked the other day if I am still doing the 'Online Thing'. While I have more online profiles floating around in cyber space then NASA has satelites in real space, I am not actively involved in finding my other half at the moment.

Im no stranger to manufacturing an alias. I have been McDreamy, McSteamy, McCookieMonster, JarJarBinx, Jaba The Hut (my fat days), RideThePole, ClimbThe12inchMountainToHeaven, WhoresAmI and my all time favourite RideMyAssLikeZorro.

Ok - So Im not actually that crude (please believe me). But for me - online love affairs have not churned out the Jane Austen romance that I always dreamed of as a little girl. Uhm... Well you know what I mean. Splendour in the Grass is a very different tale to Spleandour in the ass.

I have had my fair share of circus freaks too. There was the married alcoholic doctor. The only reason I continued dating him was the mere fact that he bore a striking resemblance to Jude Law. But the alcoholism was a deal breaker. Theres only room for one boozehound in my relationships.....Besides he drank all my wine.
Then there were some less frightening creatures whom I actually liked but I was thrown the infamous 'Lets just be friends' sorrygram.

So all in all - my batting odds have not been good over the last three years. One real love. (Not via an online method). Two pieces of a heart after it died. Countless dates. Even more countless kisses with frogs (from my clubbing days). No real realationships.

Hmmmm. Not so good! I am however hoping that Micahel Bubles latest hit rings true - I just havent met you yet.


wozzel said...


keep at it. my boyfriend and I met quite by accident on line.

no, no weird alias's though. but it is still possible. In this day and age it just happens that you can meet people on line too. Just gotta know what you are looking for, then you'll find it :)

Bubby said...

Love is a wonderful thing, but you need to open your heart to let it find you.

All the best...

cookie monster said...

Again - I wait with baited breath!


Well thanks for the glimmer of hope there! will see!

The Lion Queen said...

Never give up looking. The ideal partner is out there somewhere waiting for you.

In the meantime just enjoy the search!

cookie monster said...

Hello Lion Queen

I certainly hope you are right about this! the search is hard though!

Juz said...

Good luck Cookie.

LOL - I love the name the Lion Queen.

JCLL said...

Blah Blah with the right person being out there.... I am pretty sure you know that or have heard it 1,000,000,000,000,000 times. That's not the point. the point is it sucks to be alone, and we alllllll have to go through it. Just keep your friends close during the single times, and even closer during the couple times. Till then, in the words of a very dear girlfriend of mine...CONDOMISE AND PUSH ON!!!!!

Gail said...

You and me both sista :) I am back to the belief that my awesome half is being held hostage in the Middle East, spoils of war and such shit. If not - well then who knows!

cookie monster said...

lol - thanks guys.

and thanks jcll - i have heard it lots of times - i like your comment!!!

gail - your theory is also hillarious! good luck to us both then!