Monday 1 February 2010

Four Cousins of Lonliness

Okay - so this was supposed to be post number 2 of 2 for the 1st of Feb - but I got busy.

Anyhoo - Sunday was spent socialising with some really cool friends (including the Married Ones) and lets name the other the 'Happy to be single and is holding out for Bryan Adams One', or HTBSAIHOFBAO....hmmm... Maybe just BA.

Anyway we went to lunch at BA's house - and as I got there first - We opened a 1.5 litre bottle of Four Cousins. Not wanting to gloat about how much of a connoisseur I am when it comes to the vino, I let the fact that this particular brand did not come in the highly sought after, cardboard box, slip.

After my 13th glass, my 9th cigarette and my 6th drunken text, we as a group, decided to watch some dvd's. The choices were Bryan Adams in Concert, Celine Dion in Concert and guessed Concert. Simply ecstatic and euphoric at the choices I opted for the lesser of the three evils... Opening up the next bottle of Four Cousins. But alas, I was outvoted and on came the soppy emotional cutting, vomit inducing music.

In my state of drunken deliriousness I started to feel something that I havent in quite a while. Raw. And no - not raw to the core as I am sure some people were thinking. But exposed. I started to listen to the lyrics - and realized they came from someone. They were born out of someones experiences. Someone wrote these amazing lyrics cos they felt something so powerful they had to have a forum to release it. It just made me sad I guess. I miss that kind of big grand and incoceivable love. The kind of love that drives people to write some of the most moving and magnifcent sentiments of all time. And I know Celine Dion - is like - totally freaky - and Bryan Adams is like - totally scarecrow-y. But just listen to what they are saying in songs like 'If you ask me to' and 'Heaven'. It really is beautiful.

Needless to say I opened up the teeny tiny box in my head that stores the secret that I am alone - and have been for a long time - And I had to think about it. And then to be able to move on with my life and get out of bed and go to work - I had to close the box again. Its so much easier to float along the surface - completely oblivious to your feelings, fears, hopes and dreams. Its so much easier for me to ignore the simple fact that if I actually allowed myself the freedom to feel how I really feel, that the empty hollowness would be so earth shatteringly devastating that I would not be able to sit still. Not being able to eat, sleep, think or even go to the bathroom without the nagging sensation that something is eating my insides is something I am trying to steer well clear of.

Im over him. Well and Truly. But I'm not over being alone. And thats what hurts.


Bubby said...

Hey C Monster, firstly thanks for the comments and support on my blog, i really appreciate it and your comments have made me think.

As you so rightly say in your blog, people look for places and outlets to express themselves, i use my blog to deal with my nagging pain and torment, so when you comment and add support it really helps.

I wish you well, and i am sure your loneliness will not be for long.

Gail said...

oh crisis ... now you are airing all the single's dirty laundry out in the open - EISH now everyone will know my happy facade is just that - a facade, great ...

Seriously though, i think it's what we do until we meet the next hunk-a-awesome to swoon over and fall madly in love with.

PS ABSOLUTELY NO more cousins for you! stick with vodka its a much happier drink!

JCLL said...

Isn't is strange how we always want what the other has.....

cookie monster said...

Hey guys - thanks for the comments.

Bubby - yeah I really hope you are able to find some peace on your choices. I know I may come across as quite closed minded - and in some regards maybe I am (quite ironic actually!) But i just think that sometimes an outsiders view can make you see thinsg a little differently!

Gail - Im sorry the cats out of the bag!!!! Lets please chat often esp as Valentines day is fast approaching!!! One day we will find our prince charmings!!!

Jc- Too right you are. Still doesnt stop you wanting it though!

Hopefully my next post will be more light hearted - Ive taken some paracetomol just in case!!!!